Hurts Donuts

111 South Detroit Avenue Tulsa, Ok
 (918) 574-2211
See our website
Albert G's

Our Story

Who is Hurts Donut?! How did it get started?! Well, the running joke is that Tim said it would be cheaper to open a donut shop than support my donut addiction! 

November 17th 2013, THE DAY BEFORE WE OPENED, we made our very first donut! The VERY FIRST donut either of us had ever made and it was just twelve hours before we opened our doors to the public… (that’s not a typo!) 

We learned how to make donuts on YOUTUBE, bought all of our equipment on Craigslist and didn’t even know if any of it would turn on. (Irresponsible? Maybe… Crazy passionate, motivated and fearless attitude!! DEFINITELY!!)

Blue Dome District

Over 70 Varieties of Oversized SPECIALTY Donuts To Choose From

Hurts Donut is the rebel of all donuts! Each unique flavor, a love letter to our customers. Our donuts break all the rules with their uniform-free toppings and amped up flavors!

Blue Dome District